How to use the Interactive Maps
Within the map pane, click and drag the mouse to move the mapped area. You can zoom in or out using the ‘+’ and ‘-‘ buttons, or reset the map with the ‘home’ button;
Click on ‘Data’ to open an expandable list of indicators to display on the map; Click on any indicator from the list, then select a geographical level to view the data. More details about each indicator are available by clicking on INFO (i);
Click on ‘Layers’ and select the tick box to redraw the boundaries to match the geography chosen in the data view. There are also options to change the base map style (e.g. Ordnance Survey, street maps or satellite images).
Click on ‘Classify’ to select alternative classification methods to apply to the indicator values and the map will automatically be redrawn;
Click on ‘Table’ to view the data values for each area shown on the map;
Click on ‘Legend’ to display a map legend for the current map view;
Click on ‘Print’ to create a downloadable version of the map for use in your own reports (available formats include: PDF, PNG32, PNG8, JPG, GIF, EPS, SVG, SVGZ).
To look at trends over time, find the current date shown (top-right above the map). Use either the drop-down arrow (alongside the date), or drag the slider bar, to map the data for earlier years; click on ‘play’ (arrow to the left) to see change over time. Note this feature is only available where time series data are held for the indicator selected.