This page provides a set of quick links to a wide range of resources, data and interactive dashboards presenting analysis of COVID-19 cases within the UK.

Coventry, Solihull and Warwickshire Epidemiology and Intelligence Cell
  • Coronavirus (COVID-19) Cases in Coventry, Solihull and Warwickshire
    This dashboard shows the trends in lab-confirmed Coronavirus (COVID-19) cases and registered deaths in Coventry, Solihull, Warwickshire, the West Midlands Combined Authority and the West Midlands Region. Data is sourced from the UK Government/Public Health England Coronavirus Dashboard.
Local Government Association
  • COVID-19 Cases Tracker – Quick View for Warwickshire
    This report compares Warwickshire to the average of its CIPFA nearest neighbours and all English single tier and county councils using daily data on the number of cases of COVID-19 in the area. Figures are collated by Public Health England.
  • COVID-19 Cases Tracker – Overview for England
    This report show the number of cases of COVID-19 over time, highlighting those local authorities with the highest rates. Figures are collated by Public Health England.
NHS Digital  – Data Dashboards
  • Potential COVID-19 symptoms reported through NHS Pathways and 111 Online 
    This dashboard reports on the total number of NHS Pathways triages through 111 and 999 and the total online assessments by 111 Online, which received a potential COVID-19 final disposition. Data is mapped by CCG for England. The interactive charts can be viewed for selected time periods, by age group and by sex.
    Note. Last updated 27 April 2020. This dashboard is no longer being updated on a daily basis.
  • Progression Dashboard
    The dashboard shows both the rate of triage for coronavirus (COVID-19) using NHS Pathways, and the number of people confirmed by a lab to have coronavirus (a positive test). The data is shown by region and by local authority area.
  • NHS e-Referral Service (e-RS) open data dashboard
    This is a summary of the information for anonymous NHS e-Referral Service (e-RS) data for referrals, bookings and appointment slot issues (ASIs) by specialty at clinical commissioning group (CCG) level.
Public Health England
  • UK COVID-19 Cases & Deaths: Daily Update
    This is the current official website. The dashboard shows daily counts and cumulative totals of lab-confirmed UK cases and Covid-19 associated deaths in hospitals.
    Below the headline counts, the cumulative totals are disaggregated geographically for the four nations of the UK, NHS Regions and Upper Tier Local Authorities (UTLA), such as Warwickshire and Birmingham.
    The dashboard also presents the historical daily data on lab-confimed  cases in England since 30 January 2020 and UK deaths in hospitals since 10 March 2020, either as a chart or table.
    This dashboard does not currently include any data on testing for Covid-19.
Office for National Statistics

Office for National Statistics (ONS) data and analysis are vital for informing the public and the government’s response to COVID-19.

If you find other resources which you would like to see added here, please get in touch.