Use this tool to produce customised reports for selected LSOAs or Wards. First, select the basic unit from the “Active report layer” menu (top-right of map). Then use one of the selection tools (in the left-hand panel) to build up a customised set of areas. Click on “Layers” to change the area boundaries or background maps, if preferred.
When your custom area is complete, select a theme from the menu and a customised report will be generated. The figures are aggregated and rates are calculated for the selected set of areas. The areas included are listed at the bottom of the report.
When your custom area is complete, select a theme from the menu and a customised report will be generated. The figures are aggregated and rates are calculated for the selected set of areas. The areas included are listed at the bottom of the report.
Please note this tool is under development – please send us your comments or suggested improvements via the “Contact Us” link.